We moseyed over to the Museum of Science & Industry to see the James Bond exhibit, showing us many of the gadgets used in the Bond movies.

Also present were many cars used in the Bond films, most of them Aston Martins (although there was one white car that was different.) There were motorcycles, waterskiing machines, and an assortment of smaller gadgets. I’ve taken quite a few pictures, which will not contain information on who, what, when, where or why because you will probably know these films as well as I do.

After we toured the 2 rooms that contain the James Bond memorabilia, we went through the room that has information about DNA and genetics and heredity. There were also small chicks hatching from eggs in that room.

The pictures tell the story:

I have to admit this made me think of DJT’s gold sneakers and gold toilet.

Aston Martin.