It took me a bit longer to prepare the review of Khaki-Killer, as I read the previous two novels to get up to speed. Fortunately for me we’ve had some rainy days that keep me inside and well glued to my Kindle. I’m not completely comfortable with the classification of The Color of Evil Series as a YA novel. I’m thinking a NA (New Adult) designation would be a better genre.

This series has renewed my hatred of clowns, but the continuity of the writing and the story-line from The Color of Evil to Red is For Rage and Khaki=Killer was like the turning of a page instead of starting a new book.

This is the first of Ms. Corcoran Wilson’s work I’ve read and her strong writing and the characters became very tangible as I vanished into the series. I am certainly in line to read the next installment and I highly recommend Khaki=Killer and The Color of Evil Series!