As a favor to a friend, I am posting this picture of Deb’s Drive-in (Milan, Illinois), which, as you can see, was originally painted by a [now–deceased] artist, Kenneth L. Prestley. Yes, we’ve tried using the phone number given. If you want a phone number to discuss this, try 309-737-2225.
My friend would like to purchase an original poster. If you know where she can secure the original artwork that matches this photo (which appeared in a Quad Cities cookbook many years ago) please contact me at Einnoc9876@gmail or
Thank you very much. If you DO have a print of this in your attic or closet, do so promptly, as there is a time limit on this search. (Tempis fugit!) Just put Deb’s Drive-In in the subject line.
I now return you to our regular programming, which, for the next several days (March 11-20) will be filled with reviews of new films, new television series, and a host of other on-the-spot accounts of what is going on here in Austin, Texas during SXSW.

Deb’s Drive-In Poster Art