Dear Connie Corcoran Wilson,

American Literary Merit Award for “Confessions of an Apotemnophile,” which appeared within “Hellfire & Damnation,” the original book. “Hellfire & Damnation II” is out now and will be FREE on Kindle for the 5 days leading up to Halloween as an E-book. I will also be launching the book at a book signing to be held at the Book Rack in Moline on the Saturday before Halloween, October 27th, from 1 p.m to 4 p.m. COME ON DOWN!
Congratulations! Your story “Confessions of an Apotemnophile” has been recognized by American Literary Merit Award and awarded an ALMA! American Literary Merit Award’s mission is to recognize talented short story authors and promote the short story genre. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Attached is your digital ALMA medal. You are granted permission to display your ALMA medal on your website, social media pages and any promotional print materials. You may state in your promotional materials that your story is an ALMA award winner and you may promote yourself as an ALMA recognized writer. A link to your story will be posted on our website within a week.
Thank you for your contribution to our favorite genre! We all wish you continued writing success.
American Literary Merit Award
(*The Berkeley Fiction Review wanted this one, but I kept it for the first-in-the-series set of short stories organized around Dante’s “Inferno” and the sins/crimes punished at each level. Check out the 2 books, so far, at