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Tag: Hellfire & Damnation II

VIRTUAL TOUR SCHEDULE for “Hellfire & Damnation II”

“Hellfire & Damnation II” short story collection; cover art by Vincent Chong of the UK.

Hellfire and Damnation II Web Schedule

Little Black Marks Oct 11 Review
Little Black Marks Oct 12 Interview
The Wormhole Oct 12 Review
The Bookworm Oct 15 Review
Rhodes Review Oct 16 Review
J.A. Beard’s Unnecessary Musings Oct16 Interview
Joystory Oct 17 Review
Joystory Oct 18 Giveaway & Interview
Turning the Pages Oct 18 Review
Turning the Pages Oct 19 Interview
Over Cups of Coffee Oct 22 Review
Over Cups of Coffee Oct 23 Giveaway & Interview
Mom in Love with Fiction Oct 23 Review
Books & More Books Oct 24 Review & Giveaway
Celticlady’s Reviews Oct 25 Review
Em Sun Oct 25 Review
Peaceful Wishing Oct 26 Review
Butterfly-o-Meter Books Oct 26 Giveaway & Guest Post
Sweeps for Bloggers Oct 30 Review & Giveaway
Alexia’s Books and Such… Oct 31 Review

The tour has begun. Remember: “H&D II” will be FREE as an E-book on October 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, 2012, as a Book Tour Launch. Please download it, so it moves higher on the list of Kindle offerings.

Here is what the 1st Tour Stop blogger had to say:

“I love scary books. Among the first adult books I ever read were Stephen King and Dean Koontz. However, these days I find it hard to find good scary books—ones that don’t make me feel like I’ve read this before–and then I was asked to read ‘Hellfire & Damnation II.’ Connie Corcoran Wilson takes us by the hand and leads us through the 9 Circles of Hell, whispering to us the tales of those we find there and the events that have led them to this nightmarish place. From the first story set in Limbo (“Cold Corpse Carnival”)—giving me yet another reason to not want to be bured—to the final circle of the treacherous and “The Bureau,” the reader will be checking behind doors, under the bed, and sleeping with the lights on.” (Bev at “The Wormhole”)

Second blog stop: Kylie at “Little Black Marks”: “To begin this short review of the book ‘Hellfire & Damnation II,’ I just to state that I have never before been so affected by the Introduction in a book. I was struck by the very first phrase and by the time I had finished reading the Introduction, there was absolutely NO way that I would not read this book. I actually went online and bought a copy of ‘Hellfire & Damnation’as I had not read Book #1 yet. The Introduction was so well written that I just knew the book would be even better.
I was not disappointed. This collection of short stories is fabulous. The writing is wonderful; the word selection, the pacing, the structure, everything just works. Her writing draws you in emotionally and you feel as if you are a part of it all. The charactrrs are first-rate in all of the stories. She mixes humor with the horror in just the right dosage.”

Check out the next tour stop on October 15th and remember to download a FREE Kindle copy in the 5 days leading up to Halloween.

ALMA Award (American Literary Merit Award) Arrived Today

Dear Connie Corcoran Wilson,

American Literary Merit Award for “Confessions of an Apotemnophile,” which appeared within “Hellfire & Damnation,” the original book. “Hellfire & Damnation II” is out now and will be FREE on Kindle for the 5 days leading up to Halloween as an E-book. I will also be launching the book at a book signing to be held at the Book Rack in Moline on the Saturday before Halloween, October 27th, from 1 p.m to 4 p.m. COME ON DOWN!

Congratulations! Your story “Confessions of an Apotemnophile” has been recognized by American Literary Merit Award and awarded an ALMA! American Literary Merit Award’s mission is to recognize talented short story authors and promote the short story genre. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Attached is your digital ALMA medal. You are granted permission to display your ALMA medal on your website, social media pages and any promotional print materials. You may state in your promotional materials that your story is an ALMA award winner and you may promote yourself as an ALMA recognized writer. A link to your story will be posted on our website within a week.
Thank you for your contribution to our favorite genre! We all wish you continued writing success.
American Literary Merit Award
(*The Berkeley Fiction Review wanted this one, but I kept it for the first-in-the-series set of short stories organized around Dante’s “Inferno” and the sins/crimes punished at each level. Check out the 2 books, so far, at www.HellfireAndDamnationTheBook.com).

Legendary Comic Shelley Berman & Wife of 65 Years Still Going Strong

Shelley Berman and his wife of 65 years in the lobby of the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu on Labor Day, 2012.

As I was working on updating all of you readers (all 2 of you) on the comings and goings of the first Spellbinders Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, and mourning the fact that I did not see Shelley Berman when he visited the lounge last night (although everyone else apparently did), who should stop, this afternoon, but Mr. and Mrs. Berman.

Shelley Berman was probably my favorite comedian of the 60s. I liked him better than Cosby (although I have to admit to listening to Cosby’s comedy albums and loving the “What’s a cubit?” bit re Noah’s Ark). I liked him better than Bob Newhart, although both of them pioneered the “man on the phone” comedy method. (I think Shelley says Bob took it from him, but, then, Bob probably says the same thing in reverse).

My favorite bit had the hassled comic on the phone from a large department store, where a female clerk was on the ledge outside the building and Shelley was calling for help. When asked how she got out there, his response was: “I don’t know how she got out there! Maybe she tried on something and SNAPPED out!”

Last time I saw Shelley at a small comedy club in Davenport, Iowa, which was within the past 10 years (Linda White could help me out here, if she’d “friend” me on Facebook, as it was after her younger daughter’s wedding reception at the Holiday Inn.) My own son (Scott) had gotten married just months prior and we had a reception at our country club, and I had the Big Bright Idea of purchasing a lot of glow-in-the-dark stuff for fun. I remember that one of my then-friends (Linda Davidson) thought it was a stupid idea at the time, but it went over great, and soon became “de rigeur” for weddings. To this day, I think it is. I had the idea because of the Oriental Trading Company stuff I routinely bought for my Sylvan Learning Center.

Anyway, I was wearing several glow-in-the-dark necklaces and bracelets and chose to gift Mrs. Berman with one, saying, “Thank you for sharing Shelley with us all these years.”

At this morning’s breakfast, James Strauss told a story of touring Honolulu to find an electric shaver for Shelley, as he had forgotten his. I could relate, as I forgot my curling iron and my hair looks like it, as a result. Nice guy Jim and wife Mary scoured the island for all-night pharmacies and found Shelley a $29 electric shaver, which he delivered to his room no doubt to the delight of the elderly couple.

When I saw the Bermans enter the lounge, I went over, expressed my admiration for his comedy talents, and asked Mrs. Berman (among other questions, how long the couple has been married? (A: 65 years). Learning that they have 20 years on me, I then asked her if she ever remembered going to a concert with Shelley where a woman came up after the set and gave her some glow-in-the-dark paraphernalia. She claimed to remember this, and even named the town correctly, unprompted.

I said, “I’d like to thank you, again, for sharing Shelley’s comic genius with us all these years and, also, to congratulate you on such a long and happy marriage.” And I gave her a copy of my newest book (“Hellfire & Damnation II”). I only had that one with me. Too bad I didn’t have a copy of “Laughing through Life” in my purse at the time, but maybe tomorrow?

Mr. Strauss, if you’re reading this, shoot me the room number, and I’ll hand deliver a copy. It’s probably more Mr. Berman’s style.

ThrillerFest in New York City & Other Things That Have Kept Me Away from the Blog

I’ve been away from the keyboard for a variety of reasons:

1)  I attended ThrillerFest in New York City July 11-14 and had the opportunity to hear wisdom from many great writers. Pictures are a few. The HWA’s own W.D. Gagliani was on one panel, as was Nate Kenyon (“Diablo: The Order”). I had the opportunity to see the Terra Cotta soldiers at the Discovery Center on W. 44th Street and, as a special treat, I got to wait in LaGuardia airport from 6 p.m. until almost midnight (the plane was supposed to leave at 8 p.m.)

ThrillerFest in NYC in July.


Joseph Finder, author of “Paranoia,” “Company Man,” et. al.

Lady Liberty has a small wardrobe malfunction n Times Square.

Jon Land, author of the Caitlin Strong series.

Grand Central Terminal, right next to the Hyatt where Thrillerfest was held.






2)  Upon our return, we spent some time at the beach with Scott, Jessica, Ava & Elise.

Ava & Elise with Grandpa at the 31st St. Beach in Chicago.









3)  Then, of course, there was my birthday.  We dined at Nellicoat, which used to be a different restaurant on Randolph, but is now very fancy.

Nellicoat, the fancy restaurant on Randolph Street where we dined on my birthday with son Scott and daughter-in-law Jessica.

4)  July 28, Saturday: Chicago and the Doobie Brothers at Northerly Isle Pavilion (birthday celebration).

Northerly Isle Pavilion, July 28th, 2012: Chicago and the Doobie Brothers.

The Doobie Brothers appeared with Chicago this year (7/29/2012).

Chicago skyline at dusk.



5)  Last, but certainly not least, I’ve been putting the finishing touches on “Hellfire & Damnation II,” which went “live” as an E-book on July 28th. It’s a truly entertaining book, with illustrations for each story and a great cover from Vincent Chong of the UK, plus a Fro the Author section explaining the inspiration for the stories. There will be a 5-day period when the book on Amazon Kindle will be free, but that has yet to be determined. Stay tuned for the exact dates, which will probably be near Halloween.

“Hellfire & Damnation II” available now in paperback from Amazon and Barnes & Noble and in Kindle E-book from Amazon. Stay tuned for free download dates, which will be somewhere near Halloween.



6)  Lollapalooza has been ongoing in Chicago all weekend. I’ve been listening to the groups from my balcony, except when a very bad storm caused authorities to evacuate the park. The last band that got to play its set as originally scheduled was “Moon Taxi” from Nashville, friends of my daughter’s. At about 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, the high winds and rain swept in. However, the concert continued after a brief period of time, allowing the Red Hot Chili Peppers to perform, at least. On Sunday, Florence & the Machine and Jack White played and they sounded great.

Lollapalooza, August 3-5.


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