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Tag: Hellfire & Damnation Series

“Hellfire & Damnation III” Offered for 99 Cents on June 27, 28; July 4, 5, 6

As part of a KDP promotion, the third book in the Hellfire & Damnation series will be reduced in price to 99 cents on June 27, June 28 (in other words, tomorrow, Saturday, and the next day, Sunday) and again on July 4, 5 and 6.

The third installment in the short story series organized around Dante’s “Inferno” and the 9 Circles of Hell, you can read more about the entire series and see trailers at www.HellfireAndDamnationTheBook.com.




New Review for “Hellfire & Damnation III”

on March 17, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition
This is simply a great book and if there’s any one story that stands out to me, it’s Circle 5: Wrath and Sullenness. I don’t want to spoil that tale or any of the others but that one stands out to me and by itself represents what made this a great book.
When a writer like C.C. Wilson taps into something that is so resonant and powerful as the material covered in Circle 5, you can never tell where you will end up. In just a few pages, Wilson is able to craft and spin a yarn that pulls you in and takes you to some of the darker recesses of the human spirit, the darker side of our very nature. Sometimes an author can tell you a story about a monster stalking you and it will be spooky and creepy. Wilson, though, she tells you that the monster isn’t lurking in the shadows and dogging your every step, it’s inside of you, trying to get out and that the worst aspects of human nature are where the real monsters come from and that sometimes . . . it’s not all going to be okay. Spectacular work!

New Review of “Hellfire & Damnation”

 The following review appeared on March 3 on Lisa Binion’s blog. It is of the second book in the “Hellfire & Damnation” series, which precedes H&D III about to go on tour.

Hellfire & Damnation II – A Review

Remember the nine circles of hell written about in Dante’s Inferno?  From a frozen corpse bent on revenge to the horrors awaiting an organ donor, Connie Corcoran Wilson takes one on eleven terrifying trips through these dark regions.

hellfireanddamnationthebook com

The Stories:
“Cold Corpse Limbo” – I’m sure you’ve read stories where a person wronged is bent on revenge.  What about a dead person?  Sure, some have come back as ghosts or been reborn as vampires, werewolves, or zombies, but what about a corpse?  The corpse of one man is out for revenge.

The creepy cover brings to life the cold corpse of Ole Monson.  His dead hand reaching for the cross while he peers through the top of his casket is enough to send chills down the spines of many.  Me?  I love it!  The cover promised creepy, somewhat horrifying stories, and it delivered on its promise.

“The Shell” – A young lady on vacation with her family likes to lay on the beach.  Little does she realize that she is being watched by someone who isn’t quite all there.  Once kidnapped, she finds strength she hadn’t realized she possessed, but is it enough for her to get away?

“Tempus Fugit: Resurrection Cemetery” – A woman has a meeting with a bartender at Chet’s Melody Lounge to talk about Resurrection Mary, the local ghost, and the cemetery.  What could go wrong?  Well, there is something about this bartender she doesn’t know.

“The Champagne Chandelier” – For some people, their greed continues even after they are no longer alive.  Can having too many objects be considered gluttonous?

“A Spark on the Prairie” – What was it really like between the Indians and the white men during the frontier days?  This tale takes you back to 1833 to take a closer look at the experience one tribe of Indians had with these new settlers.

“M.R.M.” – How long does it take for a woman to drive her husband to the edge of insanity?  Once he goes over the edge, what will he do?

“A Bridge Too Far” – A person’s spouse can drive one to the edge of insanity, but other people can push one there too.  Have you ever known a person who was convinced he knew it all?

“Letters to Claire” – Family secrets are brought to light in this tale.  A brother finds evidence of an extremely high paid doctor bill left behind by his dead sister.  What was it for? Was it the reason for her death?

“Room Service” – Do not ignore the writer.  If you make one mad for too long, the consequences could be deadly.

“Oxymorons” – Political corruption and murder run rampant in this tale.  If you know too much, will you be killed?

“The Bureau” – Love, infidelity, and betrayal all play their part in this chilling tale.  It might make you think twice before becoming an organ donor.

My favorite out of this collection of stories?  There is no way I can pick a favorite, but I can tell you which four stories I liked the best.  They are “Cold Corpse Limbo”, “The Shell”, “Room Service”, and “The Bureau”.

Favorite Sentences
Had my blood not been frozen, it would have boiled in indignation.

He is mumbling and his breath stinks of old mushrooms that have rotted.

Her eyes remind me of vampire movies where Dracula can hypnotize by merely staring into the eyes of his victims.

Who would have predicted that by nightfall I’d be a murderer?

New Words Learned:
incautious – not cautious; careless; reckless; heedless

sacristy– a room attached to a church or chapel where the sacred vessels, vestments, etc, are kept and where priests attire themselves

palapa – a simple, thatched-roof dwelling, usually open on the sides

banquette – a long bench with an upholstered seat, especially one along a wall, as in a restaurant

keened – wailed or lamented

appurtenances – accessories or equipment

I was sent a copy of this book free of charge by the author in exchange for an honest review.  If you would like to purchase your own copy of this book, all you have to do is click on the Amazon link below.

Amazon link: Hellfire & Damnation II

Virtual Tour of “Hellfire & Damnation III” Starts March 13th

“Hellfire & Damnation III,” the 3rd installment in the short story series organized around Dante’s “Inferno” and the 9 Circles of Hell, is going on virtual tour beginning March 3rd. This third installment consists of 9 stories that illustrate the 9 Circles of Hell,a few illustrations, and a cover by Vincent Chong, winner of the World Fantasy Award for Best Artist of 2013 and 5-time recipient of the British Fantasy Award for Best Artist. Vincent also did the cover for Hellfire & Damnation II and was shortlisted for a Hugo Award in 2013 and for a British Science Fiction Association Award as Best Artist.

The stops on the tour are as follows:

Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus – March 13 – Giveaway

Xmas Reads
– March 16, Interview & Giveaway

Amber Stults – Reviewer and Writer – March 19, Review & Excerpt

Lisa’s Writopia – March 20 – Review

Indie Review Behind the Scenes – March 20 – Live Radio Interview at 6 p.m.CST

Cassandra M’s Place – March 23 – Review & Giveaway

What U Talking About Willis? – March 25 – Review & Excerpt

Pinky’s Favorite Reads – March 31 – Interview & Excerpt-

Truly Simply Pink – April 1 – Review & Excerpt

fuonlyknew – April 10 – Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

Deal Sharing Aunt – April 14 – Review

Not Now…Mommy’s Reading
– April 28th – Review, Interview & Giveaway

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