A few of us from the OLLI bridge group traveled from Austin to Houston over the weekend to take in the Gauguin exhibit that is only going to be featured there.

The sculpture gardens outside the museum and the standing collection(s) were also extremely nice, and it was a beautiful 83 degree day (in February!). I’m starting with pictures from the lovely day it was outside.

I had no notepad, as I was depending on my tiny break-away purse, so you’ll simply have to enjoy the pictures without explanation. I do know that the “backs” were Matisse and there was a Rodin called “Man Walking.” The silver-y metallic thing that looks like it should be a cousin of the Bean in Chicago was NOT by Anish Kapoor, but it was still “kewl.”

Silvery sculpture in the Houston Art Museum Garden

Houston Art Museum Sculpture garden

Houston Art Museum Sculpture Garden

Houston Art Museum Sculpture Garden

Houston Art Museum Sculpture Garden

Panoramic view of the city if you climbed this. Like Chichen Itza, I did not. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.

Houston Art Museum Sculpture Garden

Houston Art Museum Sculpture Garden

Matisse Backs. There were about 6 of them.)