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Tag: Jason V Brock

William F. Nolan, Author, Pens “Nolan on Bradbury” About his 60-Year Friendship with Ray Bradbury

William F. Nolan’s book “Nolan on Bradbury” (ISBN 978-1-61498-058-2), is one great writer’s tribute to another great writer and even greater friend. As the back cover says, “Sixty years of writing about the Master of Science Fiction.” It’s Bradbury, of course, who is described as “the Master,” but it would be more accurate to say, “One Master of Science Fiction describes his 60 years of friendship with another Master of Science Fiction.”

We learn such interesting things (unknown to me previously) as the fact that Bradbury initially tooled around Los Angeles on a bicycle. He never learned to drive; later, he was chauffeured everywhere. Or there’s the interesting irony that the man who saw space as the final frontier was, himself, afraid to fly for many years. (He did, eventually, get over his fear of flying.)

Nolan, known as a Living Legend in Dark Fantasy himself and perhaps most famous for co-authoring “Logan’s Run” with George Clayton Johnson, includes many wonderful stories of his own such as “And Miles to Go Before I Sleep,” which he wrote in 1957. This surprise-ending story evokes Bradbury’s typical tale.

In fact, “And Miles to Go Before I Sleep” was so much like Bradbury at his best that Norman Corwin (radio director/producer/writer) once told Bill Nolan that “And Miles to Go Before I Sleep” was his favorite Bradbury story. When Bill informed Corwin that HE, not Bradbury, was the true author of the piece, Nolan then acknowledges, “Without meaning to, I had written a new Bradbury story.”

And what a great story it is!

There is another story, “The Joy of Living” that summons echoes of “The Stepford Wives” or of my own story of a man who builds a robot wife in the attic to replace his own shrewish flesh-and-blood bride (“M.R.M.” for “Maude Replacement Machine” which appeared in “Hellfire & Damnation II,” my 2012 short story collection for which Jason V Brock wrote the Introduction and in Slices of Flesh.) I can relate to all of William F. Nolan’s work, long or short, and I hope he continues writing forever. I could say the same about Ray Bradbury’s body of work.

I can honestly say I had not read William F. Nolan’s short story “The Joy of Living” before writing my own serio-comic take on robots as mates, but I have received great encouragement from this prodigious writer, who has encouraged me even as others were hurling brickbats. In this way, Bill Nolan—whom I first met while interviewing him in 2008 for an online magazine—is also like his mentor Ray Bradbury.

Bradbury provided invaluable encouragement and assistance to Nolan when he was still a struggling but talented author, still trying to make up his mind whether he was meant to be an illustrator (Nolan worked for Hallmark) or a writer.

It is clear to me that Nolan made the right choice in choosing to write. I hope he continues to write books like this one for many more years to come.

There is a great section on Bradbury’s collaboration with John Huston on the script for “Moby Dick,” which Bradbury was hired to write. Written on location in Ireland, Huston could be a hard taskmaster, and Bradbury, who had not read the book before accepting the assignment, read it up to 9 times and rewrote the script up to 30 times, producing 1,500 pages to finally get 150 pages that were filmed with Gregory Peck as Captain Ahab. Twenty electronic whales were used, a process that took 2 and 1/2 years and cost $4,500,000.

Bradbury’s rise from the ranks of pulp fiction and his breaking into the slick magazine ranks of “Saturday Evening Post” and “Collier’s” is celebrated. His success acknowledged his talent and elevated science fiction (and, to a certain extent, writing horror), to a position of far greater acceptance.

Bradbury, the man, emerges as a mentor, much like Nolan himself has been to me and others. An established author, Ray Bradbury took the time to critique the ending of a story that Nolan had written, which became Nolan’s first sale. William F. Nolan took the time to critique my first novel “The Color of Evil” and suggested edits for the end (which I incorporated) making it the first (of 3) in the successful “The Color of Evil” series. (“Khaki = Killer” will come out in March and “Red Is for Rage,” Book #2, came out this year). The first book led Stoker recommendations in the YA (Young Adult) category with recommendations all year. It did not make the final cut for reasons that would provide enough plot for another novel, when we want to concentrate on Bradbury’s miraculous Martian stories here.

I will never forget William F. Nolan’s kindness to me when some others were anything but kind or fair. Bill’s association with rising young talents Jason V (and Sunni) Brock —(who also eulogizes Bradbury at book’s end)—demonstrates that he is an established writer who recognizes and nurtures talent whenever and wherever he encounters it. He doesn’t require the individual to be someone important in the field—someone who can somehow benefit him politically. William F. Nolan is about the work, as was Ray Bradbury. He gives of his own remarkable talent generously, in the Bradbury tradition, as he experienced it over nearly 60 years of friendship.

I was deeply touched by Bill’s story of his final meeting with his old friend, shortly before Ray Bradbury died at 91 on June 12, 2012. In poor health, weakened, slightly deaf, senses failing, Ray grasped William F. Nolan’s hand and said, “Thank you for being in my life.” I could say the same to William F. Nolan.

I just spent 9 hours at my 95-year-old mother-in-law’s side as Hospice came to counsel someone dying from congestive heart failure and pneumonia. In helping her to her feet (she can no longer walk, as both hip replacements have failed and one hip is entirely out of the socket), she grasped my hand and kissed it. Trying to honor her wishes to die at home, we have been present daily, caring for her and watching what I call “the long, slow, fade to black”–a final chapter that eventually comes for all of us. It is hard. I’ve buried both my parents and been through this twice before. It does not get easier, especially if, as with my father, there IS no hospice and you are caring for a man terminally ill with liver cancer in a very small town with very little help.

I could repeat that exact same sentence to Helen. (I will soon try, if I can keep from crying as I say it.) The steady parade of hospice workers asking uncomfortable questions about funeral homes (“Which funeral home do you want to go to, Helen?”), inquiring about “do not resuscitate” orders, bringing in oxygen machines—all this made this particular very small part of Bill’s book so touching that I actually broke down in tears.

I had to set the book aside for a while. I hope it was not too long a delay, because this is a truly enjoyable read and in no way somber for the average reader.

For example, Bill repeats a delightful story about how Bradbury used to wait outside the studio gates to get autographs of famous movie stars like Douglas Fairbanks, Gracie Allen and W.C. Fields. W.C. finally scrawled his name (Bradbury still had the autograph) and said, in W.C. Fields fashion, “There you go, you little SOB.”

For most of the pages of this wonderful tribute to a good friend, comrade and mentor, you will read new stories and old and learn things about Ray Bradbury’s interaction(s) with the world that you probably did not know. You will marvel, once again, at the output of BOTH of these creative geniuses; it will not sadden you at all.

The only part I would have liked to have seen omitted were these end comments by S. T. Joshi (p. 255): “It is a bit sad to note that the best of his (Bradbury’s) work had largely been written, with rare exceptions like Something Wicked This Way Comes by the late 1950’s. Bradbury, more than most authors, has written far too much and has also in some senses believed his own press and become a self-consciously literary author. Little that he has written since the 1960’s is of any account…”

THAT I could have lived without, S.T. Especially after you admit to never having met the man. Hard as it was for me to accept, even Richard Nixon was eulogized warmly after death.

With a talent this remarkable, a man who died shortly before publication of this book picking apart Bradbury’s later stories before he is cold in his grave just comes off as mean-spirited and petty, when the subject of this book and the author who wrote it are generous and giving.

The harsh criticism—even though it is just a few paragraphs at the very end of the Eulogies— could, perhaps, have waited for another day and another book.

William F. Nolan and Connie (Corcoran) Wilson in Austin, Texas, at the WHC writing conference.

William F. Nolan and Connie (Corcoran) Wilson in Austin, Texas, at the WHC writing conference.

VIRTUAL TOUR SCHEDULE for “Hellfire & Damnation II”

“Hellfire & Damnation II” short story collection; cover art by Vincent Chong of the UK.

Hellfire and Damnation II Web Schedule

Little Black Marks Oct 11 Review
Little Black Marks Oct 12 Interview
The Wormhole Oct 12 Review
The Bookworm Oct 15 Review
Rhodes Review Oct 16 Review
J.A. Beard’s Unnecessary Musings Oct16 Interview
Joystory Oct 17 Review
Joystory Oct 18 Giveaway & Interview
Turning the Pages Oct 18 Review
Turning the Pages Oct 19 Interview
Over Cups of Coffee Oct 22 Review
Over Cups of Coffee Oct 23 Giveaway & Interview
Mom in Love with Fiction Oct 23 Review
Books & More Books Oct 24 Review & Giveaway
Celticlady’s Reviews Oct 25 Review
Em Sun Oct 25 Review
Peaceful Wishing Oct 26 Review
Butterfly-o-Meter Books Oct 26 Giveaway & Guest Post
Sweeps for Bloggers Oct 30 Review & Giveaway
Alexia’s Books and Such… Oct 31 Review

The tour has begun. Remember: “H&D II” will be FREE as an E-book on October 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, 2012, as a Book Tour Launch. Please download it, so it moves higher on the list of Kindle offerings.

Here is what the 1st Tour Stop blogger had to say:

“I love scary books. Among the first adult books I ever read were Stephen King and Dean Koontz. However, these days I find it hard to find good scary books—ones that don’t make me feel like I’ve read this before–and then I was asked to read ‘Hellfire & Damnation II.’ Connie Corcoran Wilson takes us by the hand and leads us through the 9 Circles of Hell, whispering to us the tales of those we find there and the events that have led them to this nightmarish place. From the first story set in Limbo (“Cold Corpse Carnival”)—giving me yet another reason to not want to be bured—to the final circle of the treacherous and “The Bureau,” the reader will be checking behind doors, under the bed, and sleeping with the lights on.” (Bev at “The Wormhole”)

Second blog stop: Kylie at “Little Black Marks”: “To begin this short review of the book ‘Hellfire & Damnation II,’ I just to state that I have never before been so affected by the Introduction in a book. I was struck by the very first phrase and by the time I had finished reading the Introduction, there was absolutely NO way that I would not read this book. I actually went online and bought a copy of ‘Hellfire & Damnation’as I had not read Book #1 yet. The Introduction was so well written that I just knew the book would be even better.
I was not disappointed. This collection of short stories is fabulous. The writing is wonderful; the word selection, the pacing, the structure, everything just works. Her writing draws you in emotionally and you feel as if you are a part of it all. The charactrrs are first-rate in all of the stories. She mixes humor with the horror in just the right dosage.”

Check out the next tour stop on October 15th and remember to download a FREE Kindle copy in the 5 days leading up to Halloween.

“Hellfire & Damnation II” Out Soon: See Introduction Below


Vincent Chong's cover for "Hellfire & Damnation II"

Rising star in the horror genre Jason V Brock, who both writes and publishes, has penned the Introduction to “Hellfire & Damnation II,” the sequel to “Hellfire & Damnation,” a collection of short stories, both of which revolved around the framing device of Dante’s “Inferno” and the 9 Circles of Hell (and each crime punished therein.)

The first book (www.HellfireandDamnationTheBook.com) was a 47,000 word collection of stories. This second book is longer, at 53,000 words, and contains approximately 25 pictures to illustrate the work, plus a From the Author section describing how each story was inspired.

The E-book should be ready for purchase from Amazon and Barnes & Noble by July. The paperback, from The Merry Blacksmith Press, is scheduled for Labor Day release. In addition to the Introduction by Jason V Brock, blurbs are tentatively slated from Fran Friels (2006 Stoker Finalist “Momma’s Boy”), Gary Braunbeck, Nate Kenyon, Terrie Leigh Relf, and Brian Pinkerton.




A World Gone to Hell

The Italian poet Dante Alighieri is a tough act to follow. His epic poetry tour de force, the Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy), ranks as one of the single greatest achievements in all of world literature. It was a major reason that the dialect from his native Firenze (Florence, Italy, later to be the cradle of the greatest Renaissance in Europe) was codified as the principal language of Italy, even to the present day. One segment of this magnum opus, the Inferno, is among only a handful of literary pieces that has transcended its creator’s original intentions to rank in the same echelon as (among others) Homer’s dual narratives The Iliad and The Odyssey, John Milton’s Paradise Lost, and The King James Edition of The Bible. Not only are these works a core foundation of Western thought and erudition, but they also stand as monumental artistic expressions of unfettered genius. The other two pieces of Dante’s Commedia – the Purgatorio, and the Paradiso – while dazzling efforts, do not quite rise to the same level as the Inferno.

The fact of its rank among humankind’s singular greatest creative representations – not to mention its powerful political subtexts and religious preoccupations — has not intimidated others from trying to emulate Dante and his astonishing feat. Nor should it: Dante’s masterpiece has inspired writers, artists, dramatists, musicians — even filmmakers — for hundreds of years, as any great work should. Such is the power of the written word wielded by a keen intellect, honed by a sharp wit, and expressed with passionate conviction.

The book in your possession is an example of one of the many attempts at something new that has taken Dante’s seminal classic as a springboard. Additionally, author Connie Corcoran Wilson has chosen to pay direct homage to the Italian maestro by capitalizing on his reputation for political acumen, scathing characterizations, and the fascinating physical structure of his conceptualization of the Underworld. In lesser hands, this could easily become a silly contrivance, or even an irritant, but I am pleased to report that Wilson not only pulls it off, she also leaves the reader wanting more, and renews interest in the original work that obviously so inspired her in the process.

When I first met Connie, she was a bit of a blur: Fast-talking, fast moving, on the run. I had a passing acquaintance with her work through our mutual connection to William F. Nolan. Once we were able to talk a little, and I read more of her work, I was pleased to see that she had an abundance of talent, a lot of drive, and was a good writer, to boot! I don’t report that lightly: Earth is polluted with the detritus of godawful grammar, infected by an accumulation of misplaced modifiers, populated with the teeming chimera of egregiously mixed metaphors. With the Print on Demand (POD) boom, the sadly abundant illiterati have proliferated at an astonishing pace. One thing I’ve noticed: Bad writers suffer from logorrhea. They write, all right, and write a lot. Enter Connie Corcoran Wilson: She has a brevity that is refreshing, a style that is stripped down, yet evocative, and cool ideas. She’s also funny, down-to-earth, and courteous. Who better to lead us through Hell and back? I was flattered that she asked me to craft an Introduction, and was even more pleased that the book was in the manner of Dante, one of my personal literary heroes. Even better, it was patterned after the Inferno, one of my all-time favorite pieces of literature.

So, how is the book? Well, in the first of the eleven tales (divided among the Nine Circles of Hell as defined by Dante), we have an interesting reversal of the Inferno. We begin our plummet into the chaos that is Hell with a character in Circle One: Limbo (by way of the story Cold Corpse Carnival) who is communicating to us beyond death, and in a state of being permanently frozen (in the Inferno, Satan is imprisoned in the Ninth Circle of Hell, which is a dark, frozen wasteland as far from the warmth of the sun [and therefore Paradise] as can be imagined). It is an auspicious and fascinating start to our voyage into the black heart of humanity. As we assume the unconscious role of Dante, Wilson metaphorically dons the mantle of a dispassionate, but silently contemplative, Virgil. This sleight-of-hand is effective and strangely comforting, allowing us to experience the horrors yet to come at a safe, albeit painful, distance.

Wending our way ever downward, through the terrible events in Circle Two: Lust (particularly the well-executed The Shell), past Circle Three: Gluttony (The Champagne Chandelier), and into Circle Four: Avarice and Prodigality (with the haunting, meditative A Spark on the Prairie), Wilson hits her stride. In this heartbreaking and compelling episode of our government’s institutionalized genocide of Native America, the shame, regret, and loss are sharp, and Wilson demonstrates some fine writing chops, avoiding pity even as she examines the horror up close (the opening quotation is chilling, and all-too accurate).

Suffice it to say that Wilson acquits herself nicely in the stories that follow. Whether dealing with family secrets and their unintended consequences (Letters to LeClaire, from Circle Six: Heresy), wordplay with a political menace (Oxymorons from Circle Eight: Fraudulent Behavior, Political Corruption), the tragi-comic repercussions of a sudden impulse to murder (Circle Seven: Violence and the story Room Service), or the icy deliberations that lead people to misjudge those they thought they knew, and ultimately are their own undoing (The Bureau from Circle Nine: Treachery has the feel of something that Old Scratch would perpetrate), Connie Wilson does an outstanding job of creating believable characters enmeshed in nightmarish scenarios. She also brings a bit of levity and black humor to the proceedings, à la Dante (namely both stories in Circle Five: Wrath & Sullenness; M.R.M. and A Bridge Too Far, respectively).

I enjoyed Hellfire & Damnation II and feel certain that you will, also. I think even ol’ Dante himself would have a chuckle, and an appreciation for the imaginative interpretations that Connie Wilson has brought to his Inferno! Connie, you done good.


–Jason V Brock

Vancouver, WA


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