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Tag: paige miles

Paige Miles Passes from the Program on “American Idol”

For once, the axe has fallen on the neck of the right chicken on “American Idol.” On Wednesday, March 24, Paige Miles was eliminated from the group and the Top Ten now sails on into the unspectacular sunset of “American Idol’s” least successful season.

It was interesting that Tim Urban and Katie Stevens were also in the bottom three, and deservedly so (see previous AC articles). While Miley Cyrus did defend Tim’s corny slide across the stage, she can’t give Tim a voice he doesn’t have…nor, for that matter, stop singing through her nose and tossing her hair around a lot.

After Paige received the news, she did NOT sing “Against All Odds” again…the song that sealed her fate, and which one of the judges pronounced, “the worst I’ve ever heard.” (Not exactly words to jump-start your career).

Miley Cyrus sang “Everybody Needs Inspiration” (with a very nasal quality while playing the piano, at first) and then she got up and tossed her hair around as though there were head lice in her tresses that she was trying to cast off or a bird had flown into her long coif and she needed to swing her head violently from side-to-side to rid herself of it.


She did have some words of wisdom that were worth noting, such as when Ryan Seacrest asked her if she could stand up to the “judges” on “American Idol” and she said, “It’s tough love. No, I would be this (happy face)… and then I’d be crying. I could never do that (sing) and then face criticism right there, face-to-face.” Hear! Hear! I agree with Miley on that, if nothing else. Also, she said, of Simon, “He scares me.”

One funny moment came when Didi Benami, onstage, said, “I can’t hear you” to the judging table (most particularly Simon). I thought she was being cheeky, but, as it turns out, they really couldn’t hear the judges (some sound glitch).

Demi Lovato (boy/girl singing team) came out and sang. Unremarkable.

When asked about whether the judges would use their “Save” power (which can be exercised only once and only by unanimous vote, as I understand it), the answer was a resounding “NO! It’s unanimous.” Simon said to Paige, “It’s not working. No false hope. It’s the end. You really genuinely had a great voice.” It’s always nice to hear Simon give hope and inspiration to young people. He reminds me of my golfing partners who always point out that the entire game rides on this upcoming putt. (You gotta’ love that.) His comment about the only female African American contestant’s vocal prowess was, at least, positive. Unfortunately, we heard little of Paige’s “great voice” during her execrable performance of “Against All Odds” on Tuesday night. It is difficult to say what happened to the pretty young girl who made it this far, but the cut was deserved, after Tuesday night’s performance.

For her final song, (thankfully) Paige did not reprise the woefully out-of-tune Phil Collins number (“Against All Odds”) that felled her, but sang the much better “All Night Long,” which suited her and which was up-tempo. She looked good, and she didn’t cry in public. If only she had sung more of this sort of song and less of old Phil, we might be seeing her “on tour” with the Top Ten, but Paige has pooped out, alas.

This night, America got it right. Paige, Tim and Katie: the Terrible Trio were the bottom three vote-getters, and now we know our Top Ten, which, in no particular order, are:   Crystal Bowersox, Siobhan Magnus, Lee DeWyze, Michael Lynche, Didi Benami, Tim Urban, Casey James, Aaron Kelly, Katie Stevens and Andrew Garcia.

I’m still voting for the Sudden Death Cage Match Elimination where we dump the 4 with no chance (Tim, Katie, Andrew and Didi) and let the Spectacular Six duke it out, but obviously it is, instead, going to be a long, slow slog until we get to  the rightful talent at the top, i.e., Crystal, Lee, Siobhan and a fourth to be named later.

Stay tuned, if you can take it.

If Paige Miles Survives Cut on “American Idol” (2/23/2010) It Will Be “Against All Odds”

Crystal Bowersox keeps emerging as the clear front-runner, with Lee Dewyze and Siobhan Magnus still coming on strong, as well, on “American Idol.” Also good this night were Michael Lynche (split decision), Aaron Kelly (recuperating from laryngitis) and Casey James (another split decision). Before I give you some of the judges’ comments, let me give you some of my own comments.

I have a dear friend who has watched “American Idol” almost as religiously as I have watched over these past several seasons, and we both are so horribly disappointed in the level of talent and the injustice of the voting public (the Inmates have seized the Asylum) that she (out in Denver) told me that the only one she can discuss the show with is her 13-year-old niece, as everyone else who is an adult of any age has already quit watching the show, and she will be next.

Why? Because, this year, most of the talent is not that talented, with a few notable exceptions (thank God.) We both bemoaned the loss of Denver’s own Lilly Scott, who was far better than either Paige Miles or Katie Stevens.

Here’s another thought: Why would “American Idol” feel that a 17-year-old legacy entertainer (Miley Cyrus), who is arguably only marginally more talented than the contestants and simply has inherited this opportunity for fame from her famous father (Billy Ray Cyrus) and his show biz connections, be called in to “mentor” the contestants? Is the adult talent pool really so sparse that “American Idol” has to rely on a girl who is (literally) at least 11 years younger (and much less talented in every way) than someone like Crystal Bowersox?  What conversation brought her name to the fore, over veterans like Barbra (Streisand) or Cher or, if you want more current names, Pink, Colbie Callet and/or Norah Jones. Why Miley Cyrus? It was ludicrous, and, watching her “critique” the likes of Crystal (and, really, anyone over the age of 17), while wearing the shortest shorts I have seen on television in a long time, I had the feeling I was watching television in some other country…probably some Latino version of “A.I.”

The night opened with Simon commenting that this was the worst possible night to get cut, because, if you make it into the Top Ten, you go on tour, and that means some money. The songs this night were to have been Billboard Top of the Chart songs, and Billboard has been around since August of 1958. As Simon said, “This is probably the worst night to go.”

So, who is going to go?

If there is any justice, it will be Paige Miles, who was, quite simply, awful. She looked nice (as Ellen said) but she sounded horrible. She couldn’t find the key in rehearsal and that “lost-in-the-jungle” world of flat in rehearsal just returned with a vengeance as she sang the Phil Collins song “Against All Odds.” Here were the judges’ comments: Randy – “That was honestly terrible. Nothing came together at all.” Ellen: “You didn’t fall down and that’s a good thing.” “Kara: “It was the worst vocal that I’ve ever heard from you, and probably the worst of the season.” Simon: “It was as though there were five of you singing that song, and it got progressively worse. That song, I think, has just killed you.” When asked, afterwards, by Ryan Seacrest, her reaction, Paige said, “I’ve been trying to find that song that I can sink my teeth into.” Well, Paige, this ain’t it! Pack your bags.

The next really bad vocal was Didi Benami rendering “You’re No Good” which Simon rather callously called an ironic thing for her to be singing. Having said that, Randy said, “I loved it.” Ellen said, “You’re just so good. I love you,” and Kara lauded her greater expression. Me? I thought she was bad and I agree with Simon.

Then there was “Glee-boy,” also known as Tim Urban, who came out attired in a Charlie Brown-like horizontal-striped polo shirt with a lavender jacket, jeans and white sneakers and proceeded to do a flashy little slide across the stage as he sang “Crazy Little Thing Called Love.” Randy called his vocals “boring” and Ellen said it reminded her of an “audition for a high school musical. Corny.” After saying that, she then remarked that, “There’s a large group that will love that and then there’s me.” You AND me, Ellen.  Kara said, “You took the song and acted like you’ve already made it and you haven’t.  You have a lot of work to do.” Simon, weighing in with the cruelest words of all, said it was “completely and utterly pointless and silly. You have zero chance of wining right now.

However, if you thought those words were tough, Simon told Katie Stevens, the hopelessly tone-deaf contestant who, week after mind-numbing week is off-key (Let’s just call it what it is and quit using the euphemism “pitchy,” shall we?), “You sucked the soul out of that song.” The song was “I Heard It Through the Grapevine” and Randy added, “It wasn’t good, Man.” Simon (and all) did comment on Katie’s “new look” which featured a much more girlish sleek hairstyle. In Simon’s tactful words, she had abandoned the “pageant horror” look and the difference was as great as that between “chalk and cheese,” which is a British expression, methinks.

Lee Dewyze, who sang the Boxtops “The Letter” did a credible job, I felt. I enjoyed the fact that Lee wasn’t crouched behind his guitar wearing some horrible woodsman-fell-that-tree outfit or a knitted cap. He had on a nice suit and looked like a true Michael Buble artist and sang well. He was moving around on the stage (although he kept using the same left hand gesture over and over) and Ellen used the analogy of a favorite pen that has been running out of ink and said, “My favorite pen is back. That was fantastic!” Kara, too, enjoyed Lee’s “owning the stage. The progress is tremendous. Believe that you’re good.” Only Simon demurred, saying, “You’re doing something quite corny.” I beg to differ, Simon. Lee was good tonight.

Aaron Kelly, the extremely young (16) singer from Sonestown, PA, who suffered from laryngitis and tonsillitis during the week rose above his illness to sing “I Don’t Want to Miss A Thing” and Simon pronounced him as “very brave,” saying,”You’re a little try-er, aren’t you? There is zero chance that you are gonna’ go home.” I think Simon is right in Aaron’s case, and Randy said, “Thank God you came on the stage” (as he followed “Glee” boy Tim Urban) and  “I’m a fan.” Ellen, too, said, “You were pitch perfect and you’re in 3rd grade or something. You are so good.” Kara felt it was the “Best song of the night” and a “good attempt.” Aaron should be safe for another week.

Michael Lynche, the big man, did a falsetto, soul vibe-y version of “When A Man Loves A Woman” while attired in a velvet jacket, with string accompaniment. I liked it and so did Randy, who liked the R&B soul vibe and said, “I loved it.” Ellen felt it was “a safe choice, but said, “This woman loves this man.” Kara, however, pronounced it “boring and lounge-y, over-indulgent and too many riffs.” Simon, also, felt it was a song that one would hear 30 or 20 years ago, nothing current. While partially agreeing, Michael did sing it well. He should stay, although he should not win, ultimately. If he does, he’ll be the next Ruben Stoddard, and look where his career has gone.

Casey James sang Huey Lewis’ “The Power of Love,” a song I love, and Randy said, “I believed it.” Ellen felt it was “the best vocal of the night.” Kara said, “We just saw another level. It is all there. Everything.” Simon, however, rained on all their parades, complaining, “That song was old-fashioned 25 years ago when it came out.” Yeah? And? Your point, Simon? Casey’s guitar prowess earned some kudos, with one comment being that he might well be the best guitar player the show has seen.

Saving the best for near last, Crystal Bowersox’s rendition of Janis Joplin’s “Me and Bobby McGee” was, quite simply, the best of the night. Randy said, “That’s the way you do it. This is what it’s about.” Ellen said, “Consistently great,” but begged for a little more connection with her audience and we all learned that she would probably perform without her guitar next week. Kara urged her to “let go completely” and Simon said, “I wouldn’t change anything. Up until now, we have listened to a karaoke competition. I’ve seen you progress all over the place.” He said her version of the song was actually better than one sung by Pink that he had heard.

I mustn’t forget to mention Siobhan Magnus, who looked totally different than her normal flat hair look tonight. She had teased hair and a much sexier vibe. The singing was still great, though he warned her about always ending on a screechy high note. Andrew Garcia was his usual not-very-good self, but he keeps hanging in there, for some reason I do not understand.

The competition staggers onward. Rather than have to listen to something as bad as Paige Miles’ version of “Against All Odds,” I’d like to pit the 6 best against one another right now, and that means: Crystal, Lee, Siobhan, Aaron, Michael and Casey. Just lose Didi, Paige, Tim, Katie and Andrew as quickly and painlessly (for the audience) as possible. Please. I beg of you. Don’t make me listen to that last quintet again.

Lacey Brown Is Kicked Off “American Idol” on St. Patrick’s Day

Lacey Brown, the redheaded songstress who had tried out on previous occasions but only made it this year, was eliminated from competition on Wednesday night’s show. The three lowest vote-getters were Paige Miles, Timothy Urban and Lacey Brown, but it was Big Red who got the heave-ho.

David Cook performed the Rolling Stones song “Jumpin’ Jack Flash and showed the group how it’s done, and the cult faavorite song “Blah, blah, blah”, used in the Tiger Woods scandal to comic effect, was performed.

Otherwise, an uneventfual “American Idol” night.

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