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Tag: The Color of Evil Series

New Amazon Review of THE COLOR OF EVIL Series (Boxed Set)

on November 15, 2017
Do I like scary clowns? No! Did the cover of the new box set “The Color of Evil,” by Connie Corcoran Wilson, scare me? Yes! Did I want to read this book anyway? Of course I did! And boy am I glad I did. From the fantastically creepy cover, on the box set as well as each individual book contained within, this is one shivery read. At first, I felt that the action was a bit slow to get started; however, I’m glad I stuck with it, because for a book that is supposed to be geared towards a younger audience, this definitely had some scary and troubling moments.

There are three books in this set and each one delivers the same amount of thrills and chills, however, each are also distinctly different in various ways, even though a common theme and storyline run throughout. The main idea, that Tad McGreevy can see colors around people, auras if you will, that allow him to determine what type of person they are, I found to be very unique. I was almost just as horrified as he was each time he saw someone with the dreaded gray-green color surrounding them.

Yes, there are unexpected twists and turns you won’t see coming. And yes, I definitely recommend this set to anyone who enjoys good, old-fashioned horror. And by that I mean, back in the golden age of horror, when Dean Koontz was writing as Leigh Nichols, and Stephen King was just getting started, along with the likes of Ramsey Campbell, Doug Clegg and Clive Barker. If you are nostalgic for some no-holds-barred, white-knuckle ride, keep-the-lights-on horror novels, then rejoice with this set, because you have three that you’ll want to read one right after the other. And keep an eye on this author, because I can tell she’ll have many more thrills to bring us in the future.

New Review from “Legend in Dark Fantasy” for KHAKI=KILLER

KHAKIKiller[From the online magazine “Nameless” by William F. Nolan (“Logan’s Run”) comes this brand-new review of KHAKI=KILLER]:


Here is book three in Connie Wiilson’s award-winning  paranormal thriller series, following The Color of Evil and Red Is for Rage.

The story is set in a high school (Sky High High School) in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and the complex plot involves a serial killer, kidnap victims, a pregnant teenager, a dying girl, a climactic Mano-a-Mano fight on a bridge, a collapsing staircase, and a main protagonist (Tad McGreevy) who possesses a special power (Tetrachromatic Super Vision) that allows him to read good or bad auras.

Wilson keeps the action moving briskly in a tight time frame from December of 2004 into June of 2005.

Having been a teacher for more than 30 years, she knows her subect. (Her first book, in 1989, was a volume on teaching for Performance Learning Systems, Inc.)

Says Wilson, “My true inspiration for this book was a double homicide that took place in the real-life setting of Cedar Falls, Iowa.”

Wilson’s style is non-intrusive, grounded and smooth.  It more than gets the job done in holding a reader’s attention from front page to last.

I’d advise you to grab a copy of Khaki = Killer for yourself and one for the teenager in your family.

Trust me: you won’t be sorry.

(William F. Nolan, reviewer, and author of “Logan’s Run,” Nightworlds” and numerous other novels and short stories.)

Apex Reviews “Above the Fold” Interview

Apex Reviews has this in-depth interview up now at this link:

Red Is for Rage is FREE on Kindle Aug. 5 through Aug. 9th

Just to let fans know, the second book in THE COLOR OF EVIL series (www.TheColorOfEvil.com) entitled RED IS FOR RAGE will be FREE as part of the Kindle KDP free give-away program (and for the first time) August 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, which is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The book picks up where THE COLOR OF EVIL left off and continues to a cliff-hanging ending which will lead to book #3 in the series, KHAKI = KILLER, which is complete and awaiting cover art from Vincent Chong of the UK. Some of you may know that Vincent Chong is an award-winning artist who did Stephen King’s cover for 11/22/1963.

It would really help me out if you’d download Ri4R, as this causes the book to jump in the listings. The book has won awards, including the NABE (National Association of Book Entrepreneurs) Pinnacle award for 2013 in the Thriller category. If you live in the Quad Cities and prefer a “real” book, it can be purchased at Book World within South Park Mall or at the Book Rack and can be ordered from Amazon. It will not be available through Barnes & Noble until the Kindle promotion ends, at which point it will once again be able to be ordered via B&N.

Each book has a dedicated website where you can read more about the book and read reviews. (www.TheColorOfEvil.com; www.RedIsforRage.com). You can also consult Amazon, where the book has been reviewed by readers.

UK Reviewer Weighs in on “RED IS FOR RAGE”

Soozy’s Horror Page (April 3, 2013)

After reading the first book in ‘The Color of Evil’ series, I was anxious to crack on with the second. My main question from the first cliff hanger we were left with from that book was, ‘What happened to Stevie Scranton?’. Stevie played a main part in the book ‘Red is for Rage’ and it was satisfying to discover more about this character. There were many instances where I was reading the novel, and the author simply matter-of-factedly snuffed out a main character. I’m not going to give the story away, but one particular character was developed, and I was thinking that the way his story would pan out would be that he would have a happy ending. Never make assumptions in a Wilson book. I was shocked when this character was ‘offed’! This book deals with many, many issues that are prevalent in society today – paedophile rings, self-harming, teenage pregnancy – and even though they are shocking topics, the author deals with them sensitively. This isn’t a book for readers expecting happy endings. The reader is lulled into a false sense of security, and shot down in a matter of fact, abrupt way. The sharp style of writing suits the story perfectly. The book is beautifully written and it was nice to ‘meet up’ with characters I had become familiar with from ‘The Color of Evil’. Pogo – the serial killer from the first book – didn’t take centre stage in this second novel, and I did miss him slightly, but there were enough ‘evil doers’ brought in to keep me satisfied. I especially liked the author’s notes at the end of the book, explaining about the geography about locations mentioned in the book and facts that were quoted in the book. A fabulous read and I can’t wait to read the third book, as yet again the author has left us wondering, ‘What happens next?’.

Amazon UK link:

David Wisehart’s Book of the Week Promotion is Now Live

Your Book of the Week promotion is now live:


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Links for the Mallory Heart Review of “Red Is for Rage”





More Virtual Tour Stops for RED IS FOR RAGE

Red Is For Rage Tour Schedule
Tour Host: Date of review: (GP)Guest Post, (I)Interview, or (G)Giveaway?
Teddy So Many Precious Books None Mar 18 Spotlight & G

Heather Books and Quilts Mar 25 None

Heather Saving for 6 Mar 29 G

Maxine Between the Lines April 4 April 5 I

Lisa Fiction Writing Apr 8 Apr 9 I

Crystal I Totally Paused Apr 9 None

Makayla’s Book Reviews Apr 10 G

Amber Peaceful Wishing April 11 None

Bev The Wormhole April 12 G

Kari From the TBR Pile Apr 15 None

See synopsis at RedIsforRage.com.

Valerie Sweeps for Bloggers Apr 16 G

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