As mentioned in this space, “The Color of Evil” and/or “Hellfire & Damnation II” are going on a Virtual Tour effective December 10th (four days from this posting). The novel (first of four) “The Color of Evil” will be FREE December 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 as part of the tour.

One of the first reviewers, jumped the gun and posted a review on Amazon Kindle.

If you don’t want to click away from this page to see what Miss Suzanne Mann had to say, here are a few excerpts:

“Connie Wilson is an author I had never encountered before. Where she has been hiding, I have no idea…The author does a wonderful job of keeping this story active. Every time I stopped reading, I felt myself hankering to get back to the book to see what would happen next. There is a lot of suspense and some gruesome, gory moments that keep the reader enthralled…The last chapter was brilliantly written. Short and to the point—quite shocking really, because the reader is slammed with details about the main characters that they perhaps did not know. At the present moment, I am impatiently waiting to find out what is happening with the characters I have become so attached to! If you like horror (of the type that can really happen!) , then you will enjoy this book immensely. It is an extremely well-written book.”

Gee. Thanks, Suzanne. And if you read this, contact me to become a BETA reader for “Red Is for Rage,” which should be out no later than February, 2013. Just write me at [email protected]. And all the rest of you, who have not (yet) read “The Color of Evil,” your chance to read it for FREE is to download it either to your Kindle or to your computer on December 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.